LabVIEW® Automation Control Software
A wide range of Cryogenic systems are offered with automated instrument control, data acquisition and analysis using the National Instrument's LabVIEW software. In all cases the control software is easily understood and logically presented. Control is performed via virtual instruments with active click-on features and pull-down menus. Automation of this type brings many benefits to the user including efficient use of cryogenic systems and simplification of routine measurements. In addition complex control and measurement procedures become practical for non-specialists.
Whenever possible our control software is designed to operate in an open environment that allows the user direct control of all parts of the system with real-time data displays and logging. The transparency of the software system enhances the user's control of the experimental procedure providing improvements in flexibility and performance.
Most operating procedures are fully configurable. For example, when changes in temperature are required in an automated variable temperature insert, it is possible to set broad limits of stability for fast measurements or fine limits where precise and accurate measurements are required.
• Control of magnetic field
• Optional sensor temperature monitoring in cryostat
• Fail-safe shutdown even with power failure
• Supplied LabVIEW software may be extended to a full measurement suite
• Remote access over internet for support and training.
The Complete Solution
We understand that product customer support is a big issue for our customers. Having supplied the a system with built-in software, Cryogenic will continue to provide complete after sales support, including staff training, software manuals, telephone support and remote access over the internet for carrying out diagnostics on system operation as well as giving software and operation upgrades.